03 December 2014

Purveyr Instagramer: Kelsey Cheng

Instagram has become a powerful tool for one to freely express themselves through beautifully snapped photos and well thought of captions. It is a simple way to capture and share special moments, to see the world through the eyes of others, and to allow its users to experience other people's lives through photos as they happen. Because of this, we decided to do a monthly feature to showcase our favorite Filipino Instagrammers.

The #PurveyrInstagrammer for the month of December is Kelsey Cheng.

"I am Kelsey Cheng or @klccheng. I am a BS Food Technology graduate from the University of the Philippines Diliman."

Beautiful places, interesting objects, and mouthwatering food make up this girl's Instagram feed. The cool blend of colors in her photos gives you a sense of peace and serenity, making you feel so calm and relaxed. Drop by Kelsey's Instagram account, and we're pretty sure you'll get that same sensation, then you'll be surprised how she still doesn't have at least a thousand followers. So go on, click that follow button.

We asked Kelsey about her love for Instagram, and here's what she has to say.

How long have you been using Instagram and what made you decide to give more effort in it?
I’ve been using Instagram for 2 years or so but only made my account public 4 months ago. My interest in it really started because my boyfriend would make these beautiful dishes and it was a waste to not share them.

How would you describe your approach (style) to photography?
I like my photos to be bright and cold at the same time. I normally shoot inanimate objects so my feed is mostly composed of top shots.

What are your usual subjects?
Food is easily the center of my feed. Coffee is also a favorite subject, especially cups with really good latte art.

What makes for a good Instagram shot?
Lighting, composition and editing make all the difference. It helps to keep a look out for things and angles that people would normally miss.

What’s the most unusual thing you’ve done for an Instagram photo?
It’s pretty normal for me to hover around food and coffee when eating out but the worst would be one time I was taking pictures for a restaurant. I stood on a chair barefoot in the middle of service just to fit the whole table in the frame.

Are your photos on Instagram solely taken from your phone, or do you use other devices, such as SLRs, digital cameras, etc? Do you think the equipment one uses is a big factor in producing stunning Instagram posts?
My more recent pictures were taken with an Xperia Z2 but I only use phones for pictures. If we’re talking about phone models, I’d say that some take better raw photos than others but while it may limit the subjects or lighting of your photos it shouldn’t limit how good they can be.

What inspires you? And how does it influence your passion for photography?
What excites me the most about taking pictures is that there are unlimited opportunities for it in the most unlikely places. I’ve started to really look at my surroundings and appreciating things I wouldn’t normally care about. Like how a shadow on a table, dead leaves, and puddles suddenly have functions.

Who are your favorite Instagrammers?
International: @urbanxkoi, @mell0wfell0w, @thetrottergirl, @tworedbowls and @local_milk
Local: @additur, @jelitodeleon, @iamronjosel, @kimijuan and anyone associated with The Girl + The Bull

What do you dislike about Instagram?
Since they added the edit after posting feature, nothing really.

What is Instagram for you?
Activities in Manila used to seem limited to malls and familiar places no more than 30 minutes away from your house. Instagram has changed this for me completely. It showed me Manila’s cultural character and led me to these amazing galleries, museums, and restaurants I had no idea existed. Instagram, for me, allows you to share your view of the world and in turn, see how others view theirs. 


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