Geoff Gonzalez, also known as Out of Scratch has been taking videos for a couple years now, focused on showcasing the local scene and the inspiring people that are a part of it. He continuously works on his craft, while also cultivating relationships with individuals who influence him constantly about life in general. In the world of independents, subcultures and alternative lifestyles, it is truly colorful yet proves itself to be difficult. The glamour in doing what one loves is very enticing, however, it should come with great effort and a fair share obstacles. Nonetheless, a lot take this journey of doing what they are passionate about, but only the genuinely passionate comes out victorious. Geoff clearly knows that, and Out of Scratch is his way of educating and inspiring both the beginners and the ones already in the journey. Have a glimpse of who he is and what is Out of Scratch all about in our short discussion with him below.
What is Out of Scratch?
Out of Scratch is a brand I created based entirely out of pure passion. It’s the name I use every time I make videos about my friends. You know, Out of Scratch Presents...
It all started because back then I used to make skate videos. From there it evolved into featuring the people around me. It’s crazy because now I get to make videos of the people I looked up to growing up. Just by creating videos and following my dreams I got to meet Ali Shaheed from A Tribe Called Quest, Jeff Staple the Founder and Creative Director of Staple Brand, Afrika Baambataa of Zulu Nation, Steve Aoki, and Futura and 13th Witness to name a few.
I also have a website (outofscratch.com) wherein I get to share the videos that I create. The website serves as a platform for my videos as well as the things that interest me. Whether it’s music, fashion and the arts. It’s actually a nice way of letting people know the things that I am currently in to.
Is it a completely different entity than yourself, or does it entirely embody who you are as a person?
It definitely embodies who I am as a person. I love to create things and just share them to everyone. Hopefully I get to inspire others to do the same. The main objective in what I do is to show people that you can achieve anything if you put your heart into it.
Are you doing other things besides Out of Scratch?
Yes. Every now and then I get to DJ at different clubs here in Manila. Just recently I got to play for a Nike Trade show and it was pretty cool, mainly because I’m a huge fan of Nike. Plus I got to see some of the stuff their going to release next year. It’s pretty amazing where music can bring you.
I also have a company that me and my good friend started about a year ago, it’s called Business Videos Corp. We basically create videos to help businesses get their word across. I’ve been learning a lot so far and I plan to become the best video company here in Manila. Haha!
What pushed you to pursue music as a DJ?
I never really had any plans on becoming a DJ. It just kind of happened. I was just making mixtapes for Out of Scratch. I guess people liked them and from there I got invites to play at different spots. I give much of the credit to Today x Future though because they were the ones who really encouraged me to DJ and from there things just kinda kicked off. For that I am grateful.
Have you always thought of doing these things for a living?
To be honest, not really, because back then I was just a kid who loves to make skate videos, and I used to skate a lot too so I was just open to trying out new stuff. Skateboarding really made me curious about a lot of things, especially the culture.
What are the key learning’s you received from doing and being Out of Scratch?
I’ve learned a lot of things over the years. I’ve learned that the more I meet people who are passionate in what they do, the more I feel that there are so much to learn. Probably the most important thing I’ve learned is that you never really stop learning.
Did you learn videography because you wanted to pursue Out of Scratch?
I was already making videos before I created Out of Scratch. I just started Out of Scratch to make things official. Plus the name Out of Scratch sounds pretty awesome to me. Lol.
We have seen similarities of your style with renowned videographer Levi Maestro's, has he played a part in creating Out of Scratch?
Levi Maestro, man, I look up to that guy. The first time I saw one of his videos, it inspired me to continue what I was already doing. He gave me the confidence to pursue what I love. That guy inspired me in so many ways and I’m sure a lot of people can say the same.
Why did you choose the name, Out of Scratch?
I got the name Out of Scratch because whenever I make videos I just make things from scratch. I don’t really have any storyboards or prepare any shot list for my videos. I just shoot and edit the things that I like.
How important is the effort to reach out to people that inspire you and create relationships with them?
It’s very important because you get to learn more about that particular person who inspires you. You feed off from their energy. You get to learn new things and how they see things in their own perspective. These are the people who genuinely help and share some of the knowledge they acquired during their years of hard work.
What is next for Out of Scratch?
I am starting to develop an interest in designing clothes. It’s something that I’ve been thinking of doing for almost a year now. I’m still learning though but as soon as I find the right timing I’ll probably release a couple of things that I have in mind.
Also, I am doing a video with Nike. I’ve been lucky enough to be given an opportunity to work with them. I am hoping to get a shot at making commercials for them in the near future. I also did a video with DJ Neil Armstrong for his Dinner and a Mixtape party. I just mainly like to continue to make more videos and feature more people on Out of Scratch Presents and see how far I can take this.
Photos and words by Marvin Conanan
Yep, people see him as a Levi Maestro wannabee.....Trying too hard to replicate Levi's videos, even trying to sound like Levi at times and dresses like Levi, it's so funny! Marvin Conanan>Out Of Scratch
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