With local art slowly progressing, it's time for local work to take hold of the spotlight. Local brand Subtle Scheme keeps it real teaming up with local artist Mr. Sasquatch or in short, Mr. S to come up with their own riff of art and clothing in one. With Mr. S teaming up with an established brand within the local scene, should be a plus for him; obviously each party trusting one another's aesthetics and quality of work. This collaboration just proves that art and streetwear lifestyle could be paired up - simply putting it that art and streetwear are still kind of parallel creative universes. This collection is heavily inspired with happiness and freedom; the colors of these two factors bring out are put to show with two shirts boasting art and vivid color. The two shirts come in entitled, "Mr. S And Friends" and "Heightened Senses", each shirt representing the kind of personality Mr. S holds up. This should be an ideal pickup for anybody's everyday wardrobe. Check Subtle Scheme out and make sure to place your orders early.

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